Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Panel Discussion - UChicago - Nov 16

Friday, November 16, 2007
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Classics 110
Chicago, IL

On Saturday, November 3rd General Musharraf declared a "State of Emergency Plus" in Pakistan. This Teach- In will be focused on short presentations, providing historical and political background to the current crisis, followed by audience Q&A session.


  • Atiya Khan, Department of History, will speak on Pakistan in the 1960s: Revolt and Counter- Revolution.
  • C.M. Naim, Professor Emeritus, Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations, will speak on the US/Pakistan relations since the 50s.
  • Manan Ahmed, Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations, will speak on the
  • Baluchistan/Swat crisis behind this Martial Law.
  • Aqil Shah, Department of Political Science, Columbia University will talk about the immediate and structural features of praetorianism in Pakistan and how they have shaped prospects of democratization over time.


Anonymous said...


Prof C M Naim sahib,
Dpt of South Asian languages & Civilizations

Professor sahib, when you give the lecture about the relations between wonderful Pakistan and Terrorist USA in the 50s, please dont forget to mention the following :

1) Terrorist USA & Cockroach England have been interfering in our political affairs since the last 60 years.

2) Liaquat Ali Khan sahib was murdered by the US ambassador in beautiful Islamabad in the 50s because he refused to toe the line & he refused to be blackmailed by the US ambassador.

Terrorist USA and Cockroach England have become the "INTERNATIONAL DRACULAs" of the world and they are sucking the blood of the entire international community. These two war criminals have no principles and they start the terrorist invasion of any country they want, at will and desire. International law and respect for sovereignty means nothing for these two. Their terrorist interference and its method is very simple. They first spread lies and propaganda via their "CNN = Criminal Nazi Nonsense" and "BBC = Buck Buck corporation" for a few months, which paves the way for an oncoming terrorist invasion of a defenceless country. Then both these criminals, Terrorist USA & Cockroach England invade the poor country, instal a puppet government of their own choice and award themselves very expensive construction or other building projects, in order to steal the money of that country. They also help themselves with the oil and mineral resources of that defenceless country and while doing all these criminal acts, they try to create the impression that they are helping the occupied country and its inhabitants, which is a total lie.

"TELLING THE TRUTH ON THE FACE OF A TYRANT" is the basic principle of Islam and it should be practised by everybody. We request Prof. C M Naim sahib and other speakers to practise this golden principle during the oncoming lecture ceremony in USA.

Thanks and Pakistan zindabad.

Cockroach England

sexshoptienda.blogspot.com said...

The chap is completely right, and there's no skepticism.